My Husband Got a Family TV Series (HK Version) (6discs)
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Price: US$84.98

Availability: Within 1~2 Days

Product Information
Also Known As:You Who Rolled In Unexpectedly, Unexpected You, You're a Stroke of Good Luck, You Tumbled Into My Life, Look At Me Gwi Nam, Come Like Rolling Vine
Director:Kim Hyeong-Seok
Country of Origin:South Korea
Genre:TV, Drama, Family, Comedy
Language:Korean, Mandarin
Subtitles:English, Chinese
Sound:Dolby Digital 2.0
Release Date:Sep 14, 2012
Product Made In:Hong Kong
Aspect Ratio:1.33:1
Case:Box Set
Region Code: All, NTSC
6 Discs HD DVD-9 Plastic Bag Packing Ver. ( 58 Episodes Complete Series )

Average English Subtitles

HK Version K-Drama DVD
HK Version K-Drama DVD does not have good quality English subtitles. Incorrect grammar and typos are found and sometimes the translation has serious defects. If English subtitles matter, please buy another one.

About My Husband Got a Family TV Series
Broadcast: February 25, 2012 ~ September 9, 2012
Episodes: 58

This drama tells the story of Yoon Hee (Kim Nam Joo) and Gwi Nam (Yoo Joon Sang) after they get married but meets her unbelievable mother-in-law (Yoon Yeo Jung).

Cha Yoon-hee is a successful TV drama producer/director who marries an orphaned doctor and thereby acquires the supposed, ultimate career woman's dream accomplished husband minus the in-laws. Her marital bliss is shattered when her husband finds his birth parents and they happen to be her next-door neighbors with whom she bickers on a daily basis, and feature not one, but three sisters-in-law, and the usual array of aunts and grandmothers-in-law. Yoon-hee realizes she has married more than she has bargained for. Once again, the stage is set for a butting of the heads between daughter and mother-in-law.