The Wealthy Family (Karei-naru Ichizoku) (3discs)
Kimura Takuya, Hasegawa Kyoko

price: US$44.98
availability: Within 1~2 Days

Subtitles:English, Traditional Chinese, Malay
Sound:Dolby Digital 2.0
Releasing Date:Apr 03, 2007
Product Made In:Malaysia
Aspect Ratio:1.33:1
Case:Box Set

Region Code: All, NTSC
Single Side Dual Layer
No of CDs: 3 DVDs (12 episodes)
Telecast: Jan - Mac 2007 (TBS)
Model: JMD185

Also Known As: The Grand Tribe / The Wealthy Family / Karei-naru Ichizoku

Starring: Kimura Takuya, Hasegawa Kyoko, Suzuki Kyoka

Rating for English subtitled: Good

Originally a novel by Yamazaki Toyoko, and later a 1974 movie. The book depicts the conflicts within the Manpyo family, which is famous in Kansai's financial circles, amidst the tumultuous reorganisation of the financial industry of the late 1960s. Unlike the book, the eldest son, Teppei, and not the father, Daisuke, will be the central character of the drama.

This drama is set in the late 1960s decade of Japan. The main rivalry depicted in the story is between Manpyo Daisuke (Kitaooji Kinya), a powerful banker, and his eldest son, Manpyo Teppei (Kimura Takuya), the executive managing director of a steel firm. For some reasons, Daisuke seem to dislike his own son and as Teppei seems to find out the reason for Daisuke's hatred, his whole life is turned upside down with fatal consequences.

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