Kim Jong-il: North Korea's Dear Leader
Michael Breen

price: US$39.98
availability: Within 1~2 Days

Releasing Date:Mar 01, 2004
Product Made In:South Korea
Case:Safe Box

Paperback: 200 pages.
Dimensions(in inches): 9.25x6.25x0.9
Publisher: JohnWiley & Sons(Asia) Pte Ltd
Weight(g): 522g

The recent flood of articles and books written on North Korea and its leader Kim Jong-Il follows on the heels of George Bush's infamous "axis of evil" comment. North Korea's reaction to its evil triad inclusion has been the principle focus of this recent publicity. However, Michael Breen's portrait of Kim Jong-Il focuses more on the man as a complex myth-maker, art lover, and leader than on the recent political strain between North Korea and the United States. The rather colloquial and fast-paced writing style reflects Breen's journalism roots. Perhaps as a result, the book is accessible and often entertaining without diminishing the disturbing, and often unpredictable nature of North Korea. Readers new to the subject will welcome the brief survey of North and South Korea's history that Breen includes. For readers with previous knowledge of Korea's history, the survey may feel inadequate, but acute and witty observations on topics such as Breen's meeting with the former leader Kim Il-Sung, Kim Jong-Il's contradictory character, and the ominous gulags, are sure to fascinate.

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