Seoul Through Pictures 3: The Launch of Seoul as the Capital of the Republic of Korea (1945~1961)
The City History Compilation
Book   Recommend!

price: US$44.98
availability: Within 1~2 Days

Releasing Date:Feb 20, 2004
Product Made In:South Korea
Case:Safe Box

Weight(g): 2572g
Publisher: The City History Compilation Committe of Seoul
Paperback: 485 pages
Dimensions(in inches): 11.81x8.86x1.57

This is the third volume in a series entitled , which is a collection of photographs of Seoul, taken between the period of August 15, 1945 and May 16, 1961. The book helps readers to comprehend the history and culture of the nation's capital in its formative years, by offering a rare glimpse of this period of history. The vivid photographs are accompanied with relevant profiles and newspaper articles. The photos are organized into categories such as "Seoul, Home of Korean Politics," "Administration of Seoul," "Industrial Restoration on the Basis of Foreign Aid," "Economic Life of Seoul Citizens," and "Culture and Arts." Other sub-categories include: "Political Activities in Seoul," "The April 19th Revolution," and "The Campaign to Use Domestic Products." A brief explanation is presented along with each photo.

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