Different Dreams
Lee Yo-Won, Yoo Ji-Tae, Lim Ju-Hwan, Nam Gyu-Ri

price: US$119.98
availability: Within 1~2 Days

Genre:TV, Drama
Subtitles:English, Chinese
Sound:Dolby Digital 2.0
Releasing Date:Jan 15, 2020
Product Made In:Malaysia
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Case:Safe Box

Region Code: All, NTSC
No of CDs: 5 DVD (40 episodes)
Rating for English subtitle: Good

Set in Kyungsung, while the country is under Japanese colonial rule, and Shanghai, China.

Lee Young-Jin is Korean, but she was raised by Japanese people. Lee Young-Jin is now a surgeon, but she becomes an intelligence agent for the provisional government of Korea. She gets involved with turmoil during the Pacific War.

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