¼öÁö (Suzy) - Ring My Bell
ȯÈñ - »ç¶ûÀÌ ¾ÆÇÁ´Ù
±è¹ü¼ö - »ç¶ûÇØ¿ä
Çã´ÏÁö - My Love
¿¡¸¯³² - ¼Ò³ª±â
±è¿¬ÁØ - »ì ¼ö ÀÖ´Ù°í
À¢µð, ½½±â - ¹ÐÁö¸¶ (Ballad Ver.)
È¿¸°(Sistar) - º¸°í½Í¾î (Drama Ver.)
¼öÁö(Suzy) - ÁÁÀ»¶©
New Empire - A Little Braver
New Empire - Across The Ocean
Chaos Vari
Theme 03
Cotton Candy
More Of Mystery
Hurt Love
Wherever You Are
Shiny Bridge
Over And Over
The Way To You
The Only One
About rare CD
If this CD is a rare item, sometimes it could be a secondhand one in mint condition.