Handbook of Korean Art : Folk Painting

price: US$32.98
availability: Within 1~2 Days

Product Made In:South Korea
Case:Safe Box

Paperback: 373 pages.
Dimensions(in inches): 0.75X5.2X6.75
Weight(g): 440g
Author: Yeolsu Yoon
Publisher: Yekyong

Part of the five-volume Handbook of Korean Art series by Yekyong. There is no better source on Korean art in English. Most of the book is folk paintings, organized along traditional subject matter for folk paintings: dragons, divine animals, fables, longevity, peonies, birds and flowers, plants and insects, tigers, stationery, and others. The dictionary-style explanation of common symbols located in the appendix is a good point of departure for appreciating all those museums.

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