Alien Anthology (Egg Limited Edition) (6discs)
Sigourney Weaver, Tom Skerritt

price: US$179.98
availability: Within 1~2 Days

Director:Ridley Scott, James Cameron, David Fincher, Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Genre:Sci-fi, Horror
Language:English, Thai
Subtitles:English, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Thai, Indonesian
Sound:DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1
Releasing Date:May 13, 2014
Publisher:20th Century Fox
Product Made In:South Korea
Aspect Ratio:2.35:1
Case:Deluxe Case

Region Code: A, NTSC

1979 Version
o 2003 Audio Commentary by Ridley Scott and the Cast and Crew: 2003³â ¸®µé¸® ½ºÄà °¨µ¶°ú ¹è¿ì & Á¦ÀÛÁøÀÇ À½¼º Çؼ³
o 1999 Audio Commentary by Ridley Scott: 1999³â ¸®µé¸® ½ºÄà °¨µ¶ÀÇ À½¼º Çؼ³
o Final Theatrical Isolated Score: ÃÖÁ¾ ±ØÀåÆÇ Àַ̼¹ÀÌƼµå ½ºÄÚ¾î
o Composer's Original Isolated Score: ÀÛ°î°¡ÀÇ ¿À¸®Áö³Î Àַ̼¹ÀÌƼµå ½ºÄÚ¾î
o Deleted Scenes Index: »èÁ¦ Àå¸é ¸ñ·Ï
- Transmission(¹ß½ÅÀ½)
- Kane's Weapon(ÄÉÀÎÀÇ ¹«±â)
- A Slap in the Face(»´À» ¶§¸²)
- Red Rain(ºÓÀº ºñ)
- Access Granted(Á¢¼Ó ½ÂÀÎ)
- Cocooned(°íÄ¡°¡ µÊ)
- Not Cat Lover(°í¾çÀÌ ¾ÖÈ£°¡ ¾Æ´Ô)

2003 Version
o Ridley Scott Intro: ¸®µé¸® ½ºÄà °¨µ¶ÀÇ °¨µ¶ÆÇ ¼Ò°³
o 2003 Audio Commentary by Ridley Scott and the Cast and Crew: 2003³â ¸®µé¸® ½ºÄà °¨µ¶°ú ¹è¿ì & Á¦ÀÛÁøÀÇ À½¼º Çؼ³
o Deleted Scenes Footage Marker: »èÁ¦ Àå¸é ºÏ¸¶Å©

1986 Version
o 2003 Audio Commentary by James Cameron and the Cast and Crew: 2003³â Á¦ÀÓ½º Ä«¸Þ·Ð °¨µ¶°ú ¹è¿ì & Á¦ÀÛÁøÀÇ À½¼º Çؼ³
o Final Theatrical Isolated Score: ÃÖÁ¾ ±ØÀåÆÇ Àַ̼¹ÀÌƼµå ½ºÄÚ¾î
o Composer's Original Isolated Score: ÀÛ°î°¡ÀÇ ¿À¸®Áö³Î Àַ̼¹ÀÌƼµå ½ºÄÚ¾î
o Deleted Scenes Index: »èÁ¦ Àå¸é ¸ñ·Ï
- Ripley's Daughter(¸®Çø®ÀÇ µþ)
- Van Leuwen's Verdict(º¥ ·çÀ©ÀÇ ÆÇ°á)
- The Colony(½Ä¹ÎÁö)/The Jordens' Discovery(Á¶´íÀÇ ¹ß°ß)
- Burke's Answer(¹öÅ©ÀÇ ´ë´ä)
- Int. Sulaco(¼ú¶óÄÚÀÇ ³»ºÎ)
- Hudson's Hubris(Çãµå½¼ÀÇ ÀÚ¶û)
- False Alarm(À߸øµÈ ½ÅÈ£À½)
- Ripley Pauses(Àá½Ã ÁöüÇÏ´Â ¸®Çø®)
- The Sentry Guns(°¨½ÃÃÑ)
- Fire in the Hole(ºñÀåÀÇ ¹«±â)
- Last Line of Defense(¸¶Áö¸· ¹æ¾î¼±)
- Newt's Questions(´ºÆ®ÀÇ Áú¹®µé)
- Hudson's "Ant" Theory(Çãµå½¼ÀÇ "°³¹Ì" ÀÌ·Ð)
- The Aliens Attack(¿¡À̸®¾ðµéÀÇ °ø°Ý)
- The Aliens Retreat(¿¡À̸®¾ðµéÀÇ ÈÄÅð)
- First Name Basis(À̸§ ¼Ò°³)

1990 Version
o James Cameron Introduction: Á¦ÀÓ½º Ä«¸Þ·Ð °¨µ¶ÀÇ Æ¯º°ÆÇ ¼Ò°³
o 2003 Audio Commentary by James Cameron and the Cast and Crew: 2003³â Á¦ÀÓ½º Ä«¸Þ·Ð °¨µ¶°ú ¹è¿ì & Á¦ÀÛÁøÀÇ À½¼º Çؼ³
o Deleted Scenes Footage Marker: »èÁ¦ Àå¸é ºÏ¸¶Å©

Alien 3
1992 Version
o 2003 Audio Commentary by the Cast and Crew: 2003³â ¹è¿ì¿Í Á¦ÀÛÁøÀÇ À½¼º Çؼ³
o Theatrical Isolated Score: ±ØÀåÆÇ Àַ̼¹ÀÌƼµå ½ºÄÚ¾î
o Deleted Scenes Index: »èÁ¦ Àå¸é ¸ñ·Ï
- Exterior: Fiorina 161 and First Town Hall Meeting(¿ÜºÎ:ÇÇ¿À¸®³ª 161Ç༺/ù¹ø° Áýȸ)
- Entering the Morgue(¾ÈÄ¡¼Ò)
- The Abattoir(µµ»ìÀå)
- The Ox-Burster(¼ÒÀÇ ÆÄ¿­)
- Cafeteria Talk(±¸³»½Ä´ç¿¡¼­ÀÇ ´ëÈ­)
- Prison Faith(±³µµ¼Ò ½Å¾Ó)
- Ripley and Clemens inside Assembly Hall(ȸÀÇÀå¿¡¼­ÀÇ ¸®Çø®¿Í Ŭ·¹¸à½º)
- Post-Coital(°ü°è ÈÄ ´ëÈ­)
- Boggs, Rains and Golic(º¹½º, ·¹ÀÎÁî, ±×¸®°í °ñ¸¯)
- Clemens Meets with Andrews(¾Øµå·ù¸¦ ¸¸³ª´Â Ŭ·¹¸à½º)
- Boggs, Rains and Golic II(º¹½º, ·¹ÀÎÁî, ±×¸®°í °ñ¸¯ 2)
- Golic in Cafeteria(±¸³»½Ä´ç¿¡¼­ÀÇ °ñ¸¯)
- Golic in Cafeteria II(±¸³»½Ä´ç¿¡¼­ÀÇ °ñ¸¯ 2)
- Golic Rants(°íÇÔÄ¡´Â °ñ¸¯)
- Clemens' Death(Ŭ·¹¸à½ºÀÇ Á×À½)
- Dillon Preaches(µô·±ÀÇ ¼³±³)
- Battery Duty(°ÇÀüÁö È®ÀÎ)
- Fire and Aftermath(È­Àç¿Í ±× ¿©ÆÄ)/Ripley and Aaron Talk(¸®Çø®¿Í ¾Ö·ÐÀÇ ´ëÈ­)
- Golic Escapes(°ñ¸¯ÀÇ Å»Ãâ )
- Message from the Company(ȸ»ç°¡ º¸³½ ¸Þ½ÃÁö)
- Golic Frees the Alien(¿¡À̸®¾ðÀ» Ç®¾îÁÖ´Â °ñ¸¯)
- Ripley Talks to Dillon(¸®Çø®¿Í µô·±ÀÇ ´ëÈ­)
- What Do We Do Now?(ÀÌÁ¦ ¾î¶»°Ô ÇÒ °ÍÀΰ¡?)
- To the Furnace(¿ë±¤·Î¸¦ ÇâÇÏ¿©)
- Ripley Goes Hunting(¸®Çø®°¡ »ç³É¿¡ ³ª¼­´Ù)
- Ripley Convincing Dillon to Kill Her(ÀÚ½ÅÀ» Á×À̵µ·Ï µô·±À» ¼³µæÇÏ´Â ¸®Çø®)
- Furnace Meeting(¿ë±¤·Î¿¡¼­ÀÇ È¸ÀÇ)
- Preparing for the Chase(Ãß°Ý Áغñ)
- We're Improvising(µÇ´Â ´ë·Î ÇսôÙ)
- A Simple Procedure(°£´ÜÇÑ ÀýÂ÷)
- Alternate Final: Sacrifice(¶Ç ´Ù¸¥ °á¸»: Èñ»ý)

2003 Version
o 2003 Audio Commentary by the Cast and Crew: 2003³â ¹è¿ì¿Í Á¦ÀÛÁøÀÇ À½¼º Çؼ³
o Deleted Scenes Footage Marker: »èÁ¦ Àå¸é ºÏ¸¶Å©

Alien: Resurrection
1997 Version
o 2003 Audio Commentary by Director Jean-Pierre Jeunet and the Cast and Crew: 2003³â Àå ÇÇ¿¡¸£ ÁÖ³× °¨µ¶°ú ¹è¿ì & Á¦ÀÛÁøÀÇ À½¼º Çؼ³
o Theatrical Isolated Score: ±ØÀåÆÇ Àַ̼¹ÀÌƼµå ½ºÄÚ¾î
o Deleted Scenes Index: »èÁ¦ Àå¸é ¸ñ·Ï
- New Opening Title Sequence(»õ·Î¿î ¿ÀÇÁ´× ŸÀÌƲ ½ÃÄö½º)
- Rude Awakening(ºÒ½Ã¿¡ ±ú¾î³²)
- Ripley Remembers(¸®Çø®ÀÇ ±â¾ï)
- Cafeteria Scene(Ä«ÆäÅ׸®¾Æ Àå¸é)
- Vriess' Joke(ºê¸®½ºÀÇ ³ó´ã)
- The General's Quarters(À屺ÀÇ ¼÷¼Ò)
- What's Inside Purvis? Part 1 & 2(ÆÛºñ½ºÀÇ ³»ºÎ¿¡ ¹«¾ùÀÌ ÀÖ³ª? ÆÄÆ® 1 & 2)
- Disposable Weapons(ÀÏȸ¿ë ¹«±âµé)
- Interior Chapel Part 1(³»ºÎ ȸ´ç ÆÄÆ® 1)
- Interior Chapel Part 2(³»ºÎ ȸ´ç ÆÄÆ® 2)
- A New Ending(»õ·Î¿î ¿£µù)

2003 Version
o Intro by Jean-Pierre Jeunet: Àå ÇÇ¿¡¸£ ÁÖ³× °¨µ¶ÀÇ Æ¯º°ÆÇ ¼Ò°³
o 2003 Audio Commentary by Director Jean-Pierre Jeunet and the Cast and Crew: 2003³â Àå ÇÇ¿¡¸£ ÁÖ³× °¨µ¶°ú ¹è¿ì & Á¦ÀÛÁøÀÇ À½¼º Çؼ³
o Deleted Scenes Marker: »èÁ¦ Àå¸é ºÏ¸¶Å©

Alien Anthology Bonus Disc 5
o The Beast Within: Making Alien: <¿¡À̸®¾ð> Á¦ÀÛ °úÁ¤
o Star Beast: Developing the Story - °¢º» ÀÛ¾÷ °úÁ¤
o The Visualists: Direction and Design - °¨µ¶°ú µðÀÚÀÎ
o Truckers in Space: Casting - ij½ºÆÃ
o Fear of the Unknown: Shepperton Stidios, 1978 - ¼ÎÆÛÅæ ½ºÆ©µð¿À¿¡¼­ÀÇ ÃÔ¿µ
o The Darkest Reaches: Nostromo and Alien Planet - ³ë½ºÆ®·Î¸ð È£¿Í ¿¡À̸®¾ð Ç༺ ¼¼Æ® µðÀÚÀÎ
o The Eighth Passenger: Creature Design - ¿¡À̸®¾ð µðÀÚÀÎ
o Future Tense: Editing and Music - À½¾Ç°ú ÆíÁý
o Outward Bound: Visual Effects - ½Ã°¢È¿°ú
o A Nightmare Fulfilled: Reaction to the Film - ¿µÈ­¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ¹ÝÀÀ
o Enhancement Pods: È®ÀåµÈ ÀÎÅͺä, µ¥Àϸ®, Å×½ºÆ® ¿µ»óÀ» ÅëÇØ <¿¡À̸®¾ð>ÀÇ ´õ¿í »ó¼¼ÇÑ Á¤º¸ Á¦°ø

o Superior Firepower: Making Aliens: <¿¡À̸®¾ð 2> Á¦ÀÛ °úÁ¤
o 57 Years Later: Continuing the Story - °¢º» ÀÛ¾÷ °úÁ¤
o Building Better Worlds: From Concept to Construction - ÄÁ¼ÁÆ® µðÀÚÀο¡¼­ Á¦ÀÛ±îÁö
o Preparing for Battle: Casting & Characterization - ij½ºÆðú ij¸¯ÅÍÀÇ ±¸Ã¼È­
o This Time It's War: Pinewood Studios, 1985 - ÆÄÀοìµå ½ºÆ©µð¿À¿¡¼­ÀÇ ÃÔ¿µ
o The Risk Always Lives: Weapons and Action - ¹«±â¿Í ¾×¼Ç
o Bug Hunt: Creature Design - ¿¡À̸®¾ð µðÀÚÀÎ
o Beauty and the Bitch: Power Loader vs. Queen Alien - ÆÄ¿ö ·Î´õ vs. ¿©¿Õ ¿¡À̸®¾ð
o Two Orphans: Sigourney Weaver and Carrie Henn - ½Ã°í´Ï À§¹ö¿Í ij¸® Çî
o The Final Countdown: Music, Editing and Sound - À½¾Ç, ÆíÁý, »ç¿îµå
o The Power of Real Tech: Visual Effects - ½Ã°¢È¿°ú
o Aliens Unleashed: Reaction to the Film - ¿µÈ­¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ¹ÝÀÀ
o Enhancement Pods: È®ÀåµÈ ÀÎÅͺä, µ¥Àϸ®, Å×½ºÆ® ¿µ»óÀ» ÅëÇØ <¿¡À̸®¾ð 2>ÀÇ ´õ¿í »ó¼¼ÇÑ Á¤º¸ Á¦°ø

o Wreckage and Rage: Making Alien3: <¿¡À̸®¾ð 3> Á¦ÀÛ °úÁ¤
o Development Hell: Concluding the Story - °¢º» ÀÛ¾÷ °úÁ¤
o Tales of the Wooden Planet: Vincent Ward's Vision - ¸ñÁ¦ Ç༺¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ºó¼¾Æ® ¿öµåÀÇ ½Ã°¢
o Stasis Interrupted: David Fincher's Vision - µ¥À̺ø ÇÉóÀÇ ½Ã°¢
o Xeno-Erotic: H. R. Giger's Redesign - H.R. ±â°ÅÀÇ ¿¡À̸®¾ð ÀçµðÀÚÀÎ
o The Color of Blood: Pinewood Studios, 1991 - ÆÄÀοìµå ½ºÆ©µð¿À¿¡¼­ÀÇ ÃÔ¿µ
o Adaptive Organism: Creature Design - Å©¸®Ã³ µðÀÚÀÎ
o The Downward Spiral: Creative Differences - »óÀÌÇÑ ÀÇ°ß Á¶À²
o Where the Sun Burns Cold: Fox Studios, L.A., 1992 - Æø½º ½ºÆ©µð¿À¿¡¼­ÀÇ ÃÔ¿µ
o Optical Fury: Visual Effects - ½Ã°¢È¿°ú
o Requiem for a Scream: Music, Editing and Sound - À½¾Ç, ÆíÁý, »ç¿îµå
o Post-Mortem: Reaction to the Film - ¿µÈ­¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ¹ÝÀÀ
o Enhancement Pods: È®ÀåµÈ ÀÎÅͺä, µ¥Àϸ®, Å×½ºÆ® ¿µ»óÀ» ÅëÇØ <¿¡À̸®¾ð 3>ÀÇ ´õ¿í »ó¼¼ÇÑ Á¤º¸ Á¦°ø

o One Step Beyond: Making Alien Resurrection: <¿¡À̸®¾ð 4> Á¦ÀÛ °úÁ¤
o From the Ashes: Reviving the Story - °¢º» ÀÛ¾÷ °úÁ¤
o French Twist: Direction and Design - Àå ÇÇ¿¡¸£ ÁÖ³×ÀÇ ¿¬Ãâ°ú µðÀÚÀÎ
o Under the Skin: Casting and Characterizations - ij½ºÆðú ij¸¯ÅÍÀÇ ±¸Ã¼È­
o Death from Below: Fox Studios Los Angeles, 1996 - Æø½º ½ºÆ©µð¿À¿¡¼­ÀÇ ÃÔ¿µ
o In the Zone: The Basketball Scene - ³ó±¸ Àå¸é µÞÀ̾߱â
o Unnatural Mutation: Creature Design - ¿¡À̸®¾ð Ư¼öºÐÀå
o Genetic Composition: Music - À½¾Ç
o Virtural Aliens: Computer Generated Imagery - ÄÄÇ»ÅÍ ±×·¡ÇÈ ¿¡À̸®¾ð
o A Matter of Scale: Miniature Photography - ¹Ì´Ï¾îó ÃÔ¿µ
o Critical Juncture: Reaction to the Film - ¿µÈ­¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ¹ÝÀÀ
o Enhancement Pods: È®ÀåµÈ ÀÎÅͺä, µ¥Àϸ®, Å×½ºÆ® ¿µ»óÀ» ÅëÇØ <¿¡À̸®¾ð 4>ÀÇ ´õ¿í »ó¼¼ÇÑ Á¤º¸ Á¦°ø

Alien Anthology Bonus Disc 6
o Alien Evolution (2001 Original TV Version): '¿¡À̸®¾ð ½Ã¸®Áî'¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ´ÙÅ¥¸àÅ͸®ÀÇ 2001³â ¿À¸®Áö³Î TV ¹æ¼Û ¹öÀü(48ºÐ)
o Alien Evolution (2003 Alien Re-Edit): '¿¡À̸®¾ð ½Ã¸®Áî'¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ´ÙÅ¥¸àÅ͸®ÀÇ ÀçÆíÁýº»(63ºÐ)
o The Alien Saga: 2002³â TV·Î ¹æ¼ÛµÈ '¿¡À̸®¾ð ½Ã¸®Áî'¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ´ÙÅ¥¸àÅ͸®(108ºÐ)
o Aliens 3D Attraction: ¿¡À̸®¾ð 3D ¾îÆ®·¢¼Ç
o Aliens in the Basement: The Bob Burns Collection: ¹ä ¹øÁîÀÇ ¿¡À̸®¾ð Ä÷º¼Ç
o Parodies: Æз¯µð
o Dark Horse Still Gallery: ´ÙÅ© È£½º ½ºÆ¿ °¶·¯¸®
o Patches and Logos Galley: ÆÐÄ¡¿Í ·Î°í °¶·¯¸®
o Credits: Å©·¹µ÷

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