King Sejong's Golden Seal (Big)

price: US$299.00
availability: Within 1~2 Days

Product Made In:South Korea
Case:Safe Box

Weight: 1422g
Size: 95¡¿120¡¿72(mm)
Color: Gold

This product is gold-plated, in full-scale., in the shape of a dragon, modeled precisely after King Sejong's Eobo(Royal Seal) in full-scale.

¡°Eobo" is a seal of the member of the Royal Family.

An ¡°Eobo" was made of gold or jade with turtles and dragons traditionally regarded as sacred animals carved elaborately with artistic effects to contribute to raise the dignity of the Royal Family. The bottom of an ¡°Eobo" is engraved with posthumous name (names offered to speak highly of the lifetime achievement of kings or queens), various honorific names(names given in praise of kings or queens), name of shrine(names given to the room of the ancestral tablet of the Royal Ancestor`s Shrine such as sungjong, and youngjo), and title of honour(names specially presented to the queens to praise their dignified nature) separately or mixed in together. King Sejong(1397-1450) is the fourth King of the Chosun Dynasty whose reign was from 1418 to 1450. Several great inheritances from the time of his reign including the writing system, Hunmin Chong-um ("Correct Sounds to Teach the People"), were recognized World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)

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