Yucheok (Limited Edition)

price: US$599.00
availability: Within 1~2 Days

Product Made In:South Korea
Case:Safe Box

Size: 46¡¿1.2¡¿1.5cm

Limited to 5 qty only

This is a replica of Court Relic No. Ga-1053, which is a standard ruler that in the Joseon period (15th¡ª19th century), local governors or secret royal inspectors (called amhaengeosa) used for official measurements. This brass ruler forms an intaglio square-pillar shape made at a half of its actual length so that it can be carried more conveniently. Accordingly, the ruler is also called "four-angle" yucheok and has the following five applications:

Jucheok : For land or road surveying and for measuring distances at a firing range.
Yegicheok : For making tools or instruments necessary for ceremonial occasions.
Hwangjongcheok : For making a hwangjong-nyul-gwan designed to produce the "hwangjong-eum," a basic sound in Korean classical music.
Yeongjocheok : For making weapons or punishment implements; building castle walls, bridges or roads; and manufacturing ships or vehicles.
Pobaekcheok : For the trade of linen and cotton fabrics and for making clothes from them.

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