
price: US$159.00
availability: Within 1~2 Days

Product Made In:South Korea
Case:Safe Box

Weight: 996g
Size: 95Ąż95Ąż181(mm)
Material: Marble

Choumsoungdae located in Kyungju-the capital of Silla Dynasity is the oldest astronomical observatory in world built by Queen Sunduk(AD632-647)of Silla Dynasty. The length of the base and the hight of the observatory are 5.35 and 9.11m, respectively, and the diameters of the bottom and top of the cylindrical structure of the building are 5.18 and 3.06m, respectively. The observatory composes of total 365 stones by 28 strps. The former indicates the day number of a year and the later indicates the number of the stellar constellations using in Asia.
The observatory has nly one window, which birects to south. There is no gate to enter and no stairs to reach at the top of the observatory.
However, there is a base stone, which seems to be used as a chair for observers, at the inner below of the squared top of the building. It is expected that observers had used a ladder to reach at the top of the observatory.

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