Spirit of the Mountains (Korea's SAN-SHIN and Traditions of Mountain-Worship)
David A Mason

price: US$99.98
availability: Within 1~2 Days

Releasing Date:Nov 01, 1999
Product Made In:South Korea
Case:Safe Box

Paperback: 224 pages.
Dimensions(in inches): 0.79X10.6X8.98 (22.86 * 26.67 * 1.91 cm)
Author: David A. Mason
Publisher: Hollym.
Weight(g): 1280g
ISBN: 9781565911079

Korea is a nation of many religions: Buddhism, Christianity, and many other minor religions. Shamanism, Confucianism and Taoism are also widely practiced, although they are not regarded as religions. There is another system of beliefs that is respected by many Koreans, consciously or unconsciously. It's called Sanshinism. The shrines of Sanshin, a divine creature believed to haunt mountains, are mostly located at Buddhist temples, according to this book by a U.S. scholar. Sanshinism has a very strong streak of Taoism in that the half-human, half-divine being is believed to live only in remote, deep mountains and can be considered a nature lover. The personified mountain spirit can be a female or a male but the male Sanshin is more usual with his long beard and a cane in his hand, accompanied by a tiger. The book provides very thorough information about Sanshin and Sanshinism: the levels of Sanshin, where Sanshin resides, plants and animals in the background of Sanshin paintings, and Sanshin's influence on Korea's religious traditions. An interesting point made in the book is that Sanshin is closely related to other traditional supernatural beings respected by Koreans such as Yong Wang (Dragon King), Deok Seong (the Lonely Saint), Chil Seong (Seven Stars), and Jesok (Emperor Mighty). With Sanshin as the main subject, the book presents all kinds of relevant and interesting facts that would not have otherwise been available to English speakers. The author, David Masdon, has lived in Korea for nearly 20 years and earned his Masters in Korean Studies at Yonsei University. For more detailed information about Sanshin, please go to the author's Web site (www.san-shin.org ).

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