Genre: | TV, Drama, Romance |
Language: | Mandarin |
Subtitles: | English, Chinese |
Sound: | Dolby Digital 2.0 |
Releasing Date: | Sep 26, 2012 |
Publisher: | |
Product Made In: | Malaysia |
Aspect Ratio: | 1.85:1 |
Case: | Box Set |
Region Code: All, PAL
No of CDs: 10 DVDs - Box 1 (Episode 1 - 40) To be continued
Model: MET119.TiAmo
Rating for English subtitles: Good
Ti Amo Chocolate Box 1 / äñß¾ÎåкÕô
Starring: Vanness Wu, Joanne Tseng, Michael Zhang, MC40, Wang Zi
Vanness plays a successor of a business. His dream is to open a chocolate store and be an expert in chocolate. He ends up leaving his business and his family to fulfill his dream. Joanne is someone who spent her days slogging and taking up part time work. One day, she ends up working for Vanness and above all, she has to dress herself as a man for the job.