Detective Conan Drama (2discs)
Mizobata Junpei, Shun Oguri

price: US$49.98
availability: Within 1~2 Days

Genre:TV, Drama
Subtitles:English, Chinese, Malay
Sound:Dolby Digital 2.0
Releasing Date:Feb 15, 2012
Publisher:VBG Network
Product Made In:Malaysia
Aspect Ratio:1.85:1
Case:Box Set

Region Code: All, NTSC
No of CDs: 2 DVDs (Episode 1 to 13 End)
Model: VBG.Conan

Rating for English subtitles: Good

Detective Conan Drama DVD - Live Action

Starring: Mizobata Junpei, Shun Oguri

Although ˇ°Detective Conanˇ± has been adapted to live-action special dramas three times in the past (two special dramas starring Oguri Shun and one starring Mizobata Junpei), this will be the first time it is set be aired as a drama series.

Detective Conan TV drama series is titled "Meitantei Conan Shinichi Kudo e no Chousenjou", will take place three months prior to Kudo Shinichi Edogawa Conan turned into, and will be a drama where each episode of unresolved murder cases. Through all three previous special Dramas (2, starring Shun Oguri, and one played by Junpei) having an original story, the drama series will contain several stories directly from the manga.

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