Advancing Social Welfare Of Korea: Challenges and Approaches
Kyu-taik Sung

price: US$59.98
availability: Within 1~2 Days

Releasing Date:Aug 04, 2011
Product Made In:South Korea
Case:Safe Box

Pages: 612
Size: 223*152mm (A5)
ISBN: 9788962970326

A primary objective of this volume is to introduce papers and repots describing policies and approaches in selected areas of Korean social welfare. With a relatively small number of writings, we attempt to capture the increasingly diverse and dramatically evolving landscape of social welfare in South Korea, a new member nation of OECD.

Twentiy-six researchers, educators and practitioners contributed their baluable works. The volume is organized into six parts. "Culture and Social Welfare", "Plicies", "Aging", "Issues and Ways", "Cross-Cultural Perspectives", and "NGOs in Action." As contirbutors make clear, the study of Korean socail welfare is maturing. They document this development in the multidisciplinary application of new knowledge and skills to policymaking and intervention.

Readers will find this volume useful in understanding how certain social welfare issuese are addressed and ways in which actions are being taken to resolve the issues in the Korean cultural context in East Asia.


Part ¥°. Culture and Social Welfare
Culture, Dominant Values, and Social Welfare in Korea
Family-Centered Elder Care: A New Look at Filial Piety

Part ¥±. Policies
A Study of the Enactment of National Basic Livelihood Security Act in Korea: With Special References to the Role of NGOs
The Long-term Care Insurance in Korea
Social Welfare Policy for Elderly Koreans
Changes in the Social Support System
Employment Policy and the Reality of Disabled Koreans
The Policies and Practices of Child Welfare in Korea

Part ¥². Aging
Aging Society Issues in Korea
Family Support for the Elderly in Changing Times
Differentiating Two Patterns of Subjective Age: Physical vs. Mental
Respect for the Elderly Practiced by Young Adults in Korea

Part ¥³. Issues and Approaches
Social Service Expansion Strategy in Korea: New Approaches and Challenges
Interventions for the High-Risk Family at the Community Level by GOs and NGOs in Korea-World Vision Korea FDC Case Study-
The Foundations of Contemporary Child Welfare in Korea
Prevalence of Substance Use / Abuse in Korea
Identifying the Potential for Substance Abuse and its Correlates among Runaway Adolescents Living in Shelters in South Korea
Runaway Youths and School Dropouts
Occupational Social Work in South Korea
Migrant Workers in South Korea: Family and Social Work Implications

Part ¥´. Cross-Cultural Explorations
Governing Work and Welfare in Korea
Patterns of Caregiving for Aged Mothers and Inheritance: A Comparative Study on Korean and Korean American Mothers and Daughters / Daughters-in-Law
Reasons for Parent Care: Koreans vs. Americans
Growing Needs for Immigrant Workers in the Fast Aging Nation of South Korea: Lessons from the U.S.

Part ¥µ. NGOs in Action
The Actions of World Vision Korea
Volunteering-New Vision for Korea
The Global Move of the Federation of Korean Gerontological Societies
Strategy for Advancement of Korea Senior Association (Daehan Noinhoe)
Samsung Social Contribution Group


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