Also Known As: | Robot Tae-kwon V |
Director: | Kim Chung-Gi |
Country of Origin: | South Korea |
Genre: | Animation, Sci-fi |
Subtitles: | Korean |
Sound: | Dolby Digital, Mono |
Releasing Date: | Nov 14, 2002 |
Publisher: | Bitwin |
Product Made In: | South Korea |
Aspect Ratio: | 1.33:1 |
Case: | Digipack |
Region Code: All, NTSC
Single Side, Single Layer
Special Features: Interactive Menu, Scene Selections, Commentary with Director, Interviews, Galleries, Character's Profiles, Director's Profile, Voltar the Invincible
Box Set: Robot Taekwon V, Super Taekwon V, 84 Taekwon V