Believe in Love TV Series (HK Version) (8discs)
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Price: US$94.98

Availability: Within 1~2 Days

Product Information
Also Known As:My Love, My Family
Director:Lee Jae-Sang
Country of Origin:South Korea
Genre:TV, Drama, Family, Romance
Subtitles:English, Chinese
Sound:Dolby Digital 2.0
Release Date:Aug 13, 2011
Product Made In:Hong Kong
Aspect Ratio:1.33:1
Case:Box Set
Region Code: All, NTSC
8 Discs DVD-5 (62 Episodes Complete Series Box-set)

Rating for English subtitles: Average

HK Version K-Drama DVD
HK Version K-Drama DVD does not have good quality English subtitles. Incorrect grammar and typos are found and sometimes the translation has serious defects. If English subtitles matter, please buy another one.

About Believe in Love TV Series
Broadcast: January 1, 2011 ~ July 31, 2011
Episodes: 62

Two strangers meet, fall in love and get married. After they have settled into married life, however, they face numerous marriage problems. Couples start to wonder why they even get married at the first place and think about divorce lamenting ¡°I didn¡¯t get married to live like this!¡¯ But, shortly, you think of your parents who have managed to save their marriage for 40, 50 years. Why are the marital relationships of young generation more likely to break down easily? Are we too smart? Are we impatient? Or is it the way it should be in modern society? Tons of married couples visit family courts to break their vows, while numerous young people go on a date to find Mr. Right. . People do divorce at a huge rate nowadays and some think marriage is dead. However, lots of people still get married because they believe in this traditional institution. In this drama, high school vice president Kim and his 4 children struggle to resolve their marriage problems and towards the end they learn how to save their marriage.