From Up on Poppy Hill  (2011)
内捻府内 攫傣俊辑

Also Known As: 鼬, Kokurikozaka Kara, From Kokuriko Hill
Starring: Masami Nagasawa, Junichi Okada, Keiko Takeshita
Director:Goro Miyazaki
Genre:Animation, Romance
Production:Studio Ghibli
Distribution:CJ Entertainment

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About From Up on Poppy Hill
Umi Matsuzaka, the eldest sibling in a close-knit family of five, raises a pair of signal flags everyday at her seaside house in Yokohama Bay without fail in anticipation of the return of her father, who went missing in action during the Korean War. In school, Umi finds herself involved in a student movement seeking to prevent the demolition of an old club house. In the process, she falls in love with the newspaper club president Jun Kazama, only to find out that they might be related by blood.