Police Story 2 - Kowloon's Eye  (1988)
弃府胶 胶配府 2- 备锋狼 传

Also Known As: Ging chaat goo si juk jaap, Police Story Part II
Starring: Jackie Chan, John Cheung, Maggie Cheung(a)
Director:Jackie Chan
Production:Golden Way FIlms
Country:Hong Kong

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About Police Story 2 - Kowloon's Eye
Despite his success at apprehendingcriminals, Kevin Chan's unorthadox approach to his work as a police officer sees him demoted to the traffic branch. Despite this, the manhe put behind bars is now out of prison, and has vowed to make his life a misery. While this crime boss his harrassing Kevin and his girlfriend, the police are contemplating reinstating Kevin to help them fight a group of bomberss attempting to extort $10 million from building owners.