Death on a Full Moon Day  (1997)
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Starring: Joe Abeywickrama, Nayana Hettiarachchi, Priyanka Samarawerera
Director:Prasanna Vithanage
Production:NHK Asian Film

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About Death on a Full Moon Day
For 13 yearin northern Sri Lanka, the Tamils have been at war with government troops for an independent state. the blind Wannihami lives in a village with his daughter Sunanda, while his son Bandara is away fighting as a government soldier. Sunanda¡¯s boyfriend Some considers leaving the village to become a soldier so that he can earn enough money to marry Sunanda. Then one day Bandara arrives home in a coffin. The government informs Wannihami that it will pay 10,000 rupees as compensation for his son¡¯s death, money that is sorely need to lift the family out of poverty. Wannihami refuses to accept the money and obstinately insists that his son is still alive. Death on a full Moon Day paints a picture of human pride, as it depicts the lives of people struggling to survive in a society wracked with ethnic cinflict. Quiety lyrical and poetic human moments stand in contrast to the long term civil war ever present in this simple and moving story about the costs of dignity.