41 Degrees North Altitude  (1954)
ºÏÀ§ 41µµ
Starring: Lee Taek-Gyun, Yeom Seok-Ju, Hwang Wun-Jo
Director:Kim Sung-Min(a)
Production:Koryo Films
Country:South Korea

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About 41 Degrees North Altitude
The navy force intelligence agency is stationed at the front sea of Wonsan Bay located at 41 degrees North latitude. One day, they succeed in kidnapping one of intelligence officer of North Korea, but he offers stubborn resistance refusing to tell the top secrets. Their persistent persuasion and humanity move him to inform of the fact that the place is at a crisis. According to his information, the intelligence agency organize a special attack corps in order to steal into the enemy's camp and succeed in crash the camp and their raid in advance.