Some Kind of Bloody Twist of Fate  (1971)
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Starring: Choi Bul-Am, Mun Hee
Director:Kim Hyo-Cheon
Production:A Seong Films
Country:South Korea

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About Some Kind of Bloody Twist of Fate
Seong-Min goes to visit his uncle to borrow money for his marriage with Moon, but he is offered a proposal tg dl each?ther's uncles by a man named Han. Seon-Min refuses that, but Han already killed his uncle, which makes Seong-Min a suspect for his uncle's death. Seong-Min tries to find Kang Yu-Jin whom Han wants to kill, but comes to know that the man who helped him get out of danger was Yu-Jin himself. Chun-Sam tries to kill Yu-Jin with the help of Han, but Seong-Min catches and brings him to Yu-Jin. Yu-Jin, getting to know Han is his son, tells Seong-Min he'd better not call the police. They begin to fight over that, and Yu-Jin commits suicide. Repenting of what he's done, Han surrenders himself to the police. Seong-Min and Moon gets married.