Lai Taihan  (1994)
Starring: Lee Chang-Hun, Lin Dang-Pam, Min Ji-Wan
Director:Seo Yun-Mo
Production:Dae Shin Films
Country:South Korea

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About Lai Taihan
Sang-Wu visits Vietnam to carry out field research for development of tour course of hard-fought battlefields during Vietnamese War. He has another purpose to look for a Vietnamese woman whom his father loved during his dispatched mission in Vietnam. A Lai Taihan Susan, a needleworker, hates her mother because she has waited for her Korean husband who deserted her long time ago. Susan, who watches for a chance to go to Korea, intentionally approaches to Sang-Wu considering him as a positive chance to find her father while Sang-Wu realizes he gets to look at Vietnam with new point of view and sets up a plan for Susan to go to Seoul. As it is known that Susan is his half sister, these two who came to be in love are agonized...............